Weekday Shenanigans

Here are the top 10 most awesome things that have happened the past couple weeks:

1. I started my final Spanish class. It started out with three kids, but by the third day it was a class of one. At first it was a little strange, but now I don’t think I would have it any other way. I’m getting the best grades I’ve gotten all semester in this class!


2. My mom made us tamales for breakfast! I would have preferred to eat them for dinner, but it was still awesome. Tamales are a food only eaten around Christmas time, so this was super special.


3. For a class field trip we went to the Jade Museum, which is pretty much 5 stories of anything and everything Jade. Oh, and there was a sandbox. After we went to a a quaint little restaurant in San Jose called Spoons where had cake and coffee!

4. Brady has been growing his beard out since we got here and now he can tie it in a pony tail.


5. In my mural painting class, we have been working on our final project for about a month. Just this week we tragically found out that our project had been ripped up and thrown away by the janitors. So, we decided to start over and whip this piece together in about an hour. It’s an airbrushed piece. Airbrushes are the coolest thing I have ever worked with.


6. I found Costa Rican Mac and Cheese and it’s delicious.

7. When I’m not eating Mac and Cheese for lunch, I’m buying empanadas. I’m beyond addicted. I wish I could bring some home for all of you to try.


8. I saw a rainbow yesterday. This was really exciting because it has been cold and rainy for the past week.


9. There is a house down the street that is really ready for Christmas.


10. This view never gets old.


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